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Organization Option

The Keep Safe Care Direct Caregiver Recruitment and Curation Service is configured for the needs of organizations such as non-profit caregiving agencies, assisted living facilities (ALFs), skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), rehab facilities, long-term care, hospitals, private duty agencies or any other organization or entity that hire caregivers either full-time or part-time.

Features and Benefits

Below is a listing of some of the features and benefits of the Keep Safe Care Direct caregiver curation and management system. This system makes it easier and more cost effective to find and hire caregivers than using traditional means such as job postings (Indeed, Glass Door, Snag-a-Job), craigslist or using staffing agencies. The Keep Safe Care Direct Caregiver Recruitment and Curation Service will dramatically decrease the time it takes to hire caregivers, increase your capacity to deliver services, and significantly reduce overhead costs to your establishment. As an added bonus, any agency that uses this service will get free client referrals for those looking for private duty, home health, or senior living options in their areas.

1. Caregiver Recruitment, Matching and Curation

Within the United States, you will be able to pull from a large pool of caregivers in your geographic area that Keep Safe Care Direct has recruited. Our system collects pertinent caregiver employment information, generates an online profile, and organizes these profiles for you to access and match to your client care-needs profiles. No more posting jobs or chasing caregivers. Using the Caregiver Recruitment and Curation Service you will be able to view skills and work history prior to ever contacting a caregiver as well as be able compare how well caregivers match with your client’s caregiving needs. In addition, you can filter for CNAs, LVNs, or other specialties on our site. This saves valuable time and effort in caregiver recruitment.

2. Caregiver Management

The Caregiver Recruitment and Curation Service walks you through the steps of hiring a caregiving through our system: from connection, to interviewing, to background check through to hiring. Our system allows you to manage just one or hundreds caregivers easily and effectively through the hiring process. In addition, we also offer an optional Caregiver Work Scheduler for you to schedule work and track payroll.

3. Flexible Payroll Tracking Options

Keep Safe Care Direct’s Caregiver Work Scheduler provides online tracking of time sheets, billing and payroll. The system allows organizations to generate and download data files with the list of your caregivers, hours worked, wages and other important management information, allowing you to use your existing payroll system such as QuickBooks. See Options and Costs in the next section for more details.

4. No Contracts / No Minimums / Free Set Up

That is right: No Contracts, No Upfront Fees. Keep Safe Care Direct for organizations is a pay-as-you-go subscription. There is no long term obligation on your part (you can leave at any time you want). In addition, there is no charge to create and maintain an account. Charges are only incurred when you activate the Caregiver Recruitment and Curation Service or the Caregiver Work Scheduler options, signifying your are actively looking to hire one or more caregivers.

Options and Costs

Creating an Organization (ORG) account is free. Keep Safe Care Direct offers organizations a simple way to recruit caregivers such as Companion Caregivers, Personal Care Attendant (PCA), Home Health Aide (HHA), Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA), Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN), Registered Nurses (RN), and/or Occupational / Physical Therapists (OT/PT). The cost is $199 per month (30-day period) per location to access our Caregiver Recruitment and Curation Service. With this fee you can locate and review caregiver candidates available in our system and if interested, send a request to connect with a caregiver based on matching the client profiles you generate. Upon the caregiver accepting your connection request, you will be charged a $10 fee per connected candidate. This $10 is a one-time fee per caregiver.

As an option, you can also use our integrated Caregiver Work Scheduler feature that generates an electronic plan of care for your clients and a schedule for your caregiver(s). The cost is $2.50 per week per schedule up to a maximum charge of $10 per week for four or more schedules. Note: if you have a caregiver in your system and want to add them to the Keep Safe Care Direct scheduling system, they will need to create a caregiver account on Keep Safe Care Direct and then connect with you during an active monthly recruitment period. Adding a new caregiver to the scheduler that was not recruited by us incurs a $10 one time fee for onboarding. A summary of the service charges is listed in the table below. Prices are subject to change.

Service Cost
Caregiver Recruitment and Curation Service $199/month per location
Send a connection request to a caregiver $0
Accepted connection by a prospective caregiver $10/caregiver (one-time fee)
Caregiver Work Scheduler $2.50/GC/week up to $10/week

In the future, as an addition to the scheduling service Keep Safe Care Direct may offer organizations a payroll option integrated into our Caregiver Work Schedule feature. If your organization is interested in payroll, please contact us.

How do I create an Organization Account?

If your organization is interested in using our system to better recruit, curate and manage caregivers, click the link below to get started by creating a free account:

Once you create your organization account, then log into your account.

Navigate to the Administration section either from the left navigation panel or the drop down menu.

Once in the “Administration” section, click on the Billing link on the left hand navigation panel, then click ON the 30-Day Recruiting button to begin recruiting and hiring caregivers. This will start the $199 per month (30-day) billing. Of course, prior to this you would have needed to have added your credit card information.

For a step-by-step instruction on how to use the Caregiver Recruitment and Curation Service, please follow this link: Caregiver Recruitment Instructions for Organizations. If you have any questions, please email us at or call Gina at (512) 715-4114.